This page last changed on Nov 17, 2004 by mcampbell.
  • Atlassian Confluence - Commercial Wiki and knowledge management system using WebWork 2.0, Hibernate, Spring, and Velocity
  • DriveNow - last minute Autralian car rentals
  • OpenReports - an open source web based reporting application that uses WebWork 2.0, Velocity, and Hibernate
  • eSage Group is a consulting company that uses it for all their client engagements. Additionally, its used for their internal systems
  • TeraMEDICA - WebWork is used in TeraMEDICA's commercial TI2m product, which performs intelligent image management for the healthcare enterprise. Specifically, WebWork is a key component of the system's management interface.
  • EBIA COBRA and 401K Benefits Site provides law reviews for employee benefits like COBRA and 401K. The site moved from all struts to a current architecture of about 50% WebWork and 50% Struts. We are trying to move it all over to WebWork. This site is also a great example of porting from Tiles to SiteMesh.
  • Midwinter - an open source rapid web application develop system using WebWork 2.0, Hibernate, Spring, and Velocity
  • Valtira Rolecall - Identity Management Framework that provides single sign-on for J2EE and .NET web applications.
Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36